I read this article some time ago and thought it was a very interesting take on Obama's philosophy. It was written back in early January but in light of the recent hullabaloo about Trinity United and Reverend Wright's message, it's a good time to go back and revisit it. Called The Church of Obama: How He Recast the Language of Black Liberation Theology into a Winning Creed for Middle-of-the-Road White Voters, it gives us a lot of information and insight into what is preached week after week in this fine church. Needless to say, the doctrine of Reverend Wright and Trinity United is nothing at all like the racist church the right wing is attempting to paint. Hell, not even just right wing idiots, but plenty of Barack's Democratic foes are happy to impugn him and Reverend Wright just for cheap political points too.
The author notes how Barack stated in his book "At the foot of that cross, inside the thousands of churches across the city, I imagined the stories of ordinary black people merging with the stories of David and Goliath, Moses and Pharaoh, the Christians in the lion's den, Ezekiel's field of dry bones. Those stories of survival, and freedom, and hope — became our story, my story." And freedom and hope IS the core message of this great church, not some nonsense about racism. From one of Reverend Wright's sermons, he talks about his message of hope being for ALL people, not just black people.
The good news that's coming is for all people! Not white people—all people. Not black people—all people. Not rich people—all people. Not poor people—all people. I know you'll hate this... not straight people—all people! Not gay people—all people. Not American people—all people. ...God's good news isn't just for Americans, it's for all people. Say "all people"! Jesus came for Iraqis and Afghanis. Jesus was sent for Iranians and Ukrainians. All people! Jesus is God's gift to the brothers in jail and the sisters in jeopardy. All people! The Lord left his royal courts on high to come for all those that you love, yes, but he also came for all those folk that you can't stand. All people!
Wonder why that snippet doesn't get endlessly looped on cable tv, eh?
The article goes on to describe how Barack's uplifting speeches are drawn from the messages of his church, his vision of what America can be "the ecstatic consolation of old-time religion — a vision of America that transcends differences of race, class, and party, and restores harmony to a land riven under the oppressive rule of a government alien to its founding principles."
I hope that somehow Barack can overcome this hurdle that's been thrown in front of him and can get back on his message of harmony and unity and hope, and that he (and/or others) can ensure it becomes common knowledge that this is the basic message of love that his church espouses so that the reputation of this wonderful church and its esteemed pastor can be rehabilitated too.